The Pan American Biennial of Architecture of Quito (BAQ2022) ended on November 18th. Organized by the Pichincha Provincial College of Architects of Ecuador (CAE-P), it has been held since 1978 with the aim of promoting dialogue, exchange, and reflection on architecture and the contemporary city. During this edition, the intention was to address the theme "Inflections: Seeing again", with the aim of providing a space for discussion and debate on architecture around the moments of inflection in history.
On the closing day, the winning projects for both the National Award and the Pan American Award were announced from among the nearly 60 selected finalists. At the same time, the winners of the Social Habitat and Sustainability Award were announced from among 8 selected finalists, as well as the two works that jointly won the Biennial Grand Prize. See all the winners below.
National Award
- Single-family Dwelling
Pitaya House / Taller General + Jose María Sáez
Authors: José María Sáez, Florencia Sobrero, Martín Real Buenaño
Mindo, Ecuador

- Multi-family Dwelling
Villanueva Residences
Authors: Fernanda Esquetini, Pablo Puente Rodríguez
Quito, Ecuador
- Facilities
Authors: Carlos Espinoza, Alexis Schulman, Mateo Andrade, Luis Mario Balarezo, María Elisa Carrión, Ana Paulina Monsalve, Fredy Martínez
Cuenca, Ecuador
Cuenca Botanical Gardens Phase I
Authors: El Barranco Municipal Foundation
Cuenca, Ecuador
- Administrative, institutional and corporate buildings
Administrative Building Balzay Campus Ucuenca
Authors: Javier García Solera, Javier Durán Aguilar, Ernesto Martínez Arenas, Pilar Fructuoso, Iván Sinchi, Dalton Paz, Gabriela Vásquez
Cuenca, Ecuador
- Minimal architecture
La Cantera Lodging, overlooking Tungurahua
Design and construction: Marie Combette and Daniel Moreno Flores - Clients: Torres family - Engineering: Patricio Cevallos - Interns: Lorianne Breillad Richard, Valeria Alvarez, Andres Lozada - Master Mason: Jaime Vivanco - Locksmith: Juan Pillapa - Metal Construction: David Tayo, Byron Lidioma, Jorge Sasi, Fredy Achote - Wood Construction, Las Manos Sucias: Phillipe Frechou, Ted La Cruz, Pedro Marrero, Yoswar Marrero, Yonatan Rodríguez - Hydrosanitary: Geovanny Toaquiza - Photographs - Bicubik: Sebastián Crespo - Illustration: Sergio Calderón
Baños de agua santa, Ecuador
- Intervention in heritage architecture or architecture of heritage interest
San Tola
Authors: Florencia Sobrero, Martín Real Buenaño
Quito, Ecuador
- Intervention in non-heritage architecture
Los Nidos House of Cholán
Design and Construction: Marie Combette, Daniel Moreno Flores - Engineering: Patricio Cevallos - Clients: Fernanda Espinosa, Raúl Ayala - Senior Master: Luis Guamán - Officials: Daniel Cepeda, Paul Cepeda, Italo Vita - Master: Luis Araque - Design: David Rodríguez - Illustrations: Carlos Valverde -Photographs: Jag Studio - Hydrosanitary: Geovanny Toaquiza - Electricity: Luis Morales
Perucho, Ecuador
- Intervention in public and/or collective space
Urban landscape intervention on the riverbanks of the city of Cuenca: "Ciclovía Cuenca Unida"
Authors: Pablo Esteban Ochoa Pesantez, Christian Cedillo Carrión, Santiago Israel Bravo Martínez
Cuenca, Ecuador
Panamerican Award
- Single-family Dwelling
House with patio
Authors: Guillermo Hevia García, Catalina Poblete
Futrono, Chile
- Multi-family Dwelling
Valois Building / José Cubilla
Authors: Jose Cubilla, Dahiana Nuñez, Mauricio Rojas Barrail, Camila Caffarena, Jorge Noreña
Asuncion, Paraguay

La Criolla Neighbourhood
Authors: Nicolás Guerra, Fernando De Rossa - Collaborators: Virginia Miguel, Fernando De Medina, Gabriela Álvarez Costa, Valentina Dallarosa, Leandro Renovales, Silvia Cáceres, Bruno Mayobre, Daisy Brandi, Claudia Curbelo
Paso de los Toros, Uruguay
- Facilities
San Blas Pier
Authors: José Amozurrutia , Gabriela Carrillo, Israel Espín, Carlos Facio, Eric Valdez, Sofía Pavón, Roberto Rosales, Abraham Espíndola
San Blas, Mexico
- Administrative, institutional, and corporate buildings
Research and Engineering Laboratories Building - Pontificia Universidad Javeriana of Bogota
Authors: Juan Pablo Ortiz , Pablo Forero, Julián Restrepo, Manuela Mosquera, Juan Carlos Cuberos, María Fernanda Villalba, Laura Concha, Santiago Palacio, Juan Manuel Maldonado, Jaime Ruiz, Ana Varona, Gina Morales, Daniela Silva, Diego Gutiérrez, Fabián Castiblanco, Julián Cortés, Juan David Velásquez, Ana María Lalinde
Bogota, Colombia
- Minimal architecture
Arrachay 01 / Javier Mera Luna + Lesly Villagrán + María Beatriz Moncayo
Authors: Javier Mera Luna, María Beatriz Moncayo, Lesly Jordania Villagrán, Juan Subía
Quito, Ecuador

- Intervention in heritage architecture or architecture of heritage interest
Grancolombiano Park
Authors: Jorge Emilio Buitrago Gutiérrez, Jaime Eduardo Cabal Mejía, Camilo Restrepo, Manuela Castillo, Luisa Fernanda Amaya, Juan Camilo Arboleda, Sebastián Muñoz, Mauricio Carvajal, Carlos Palacio, Daniela Valdez, Juan Pablo Giraldo, Ivanovha Benedetto, Manuela Castillo, Diana Valencia, Jaime Ng, Juan Camilo Arango, Cristian Camilo Ríos Abelló, Mariana Gil, Adriana García, Mariana Gil, Adriana García, Juan Camilo Ríos Abelló
Villa del Rosario, Colombia
- Intervention in non-heritage architecture
Music House / Colectivo C733
Authors: José Amozurrutia , Gabriela Carrillo, Israel Espín, Carlos Facio, Eric Valdez, Álvaro Martínez, Fernando Venado, Eduardo Palomino
Nacajuca, Mexico

- Intervention in public and/or collective space
Park in the Prado Centro Neighborhood
Authors: Edgar Mazo Zapata, Érica Martínez, Alejandro Restrepo, Santiago Hurtado, Louis Van Asten, Eduardo Tapia, Natalia Villada, Daniela Suarez, Giovanna Furlan, Paulina Jiménez, Martin Jaermann, Mauricio Jaramillo, Leonardo Correa, Nicolás Hermelín, Gabriel Zapata, Doris Valencia, Martín Toro, Lina Restrepo
Medellin, Colombia
Social and Sustainable Habitat Award
- Social Habitat and Development
Urban Regeneration Donceles
Authors: Juan B. Carral O'gorman, Victor I. Ebergenyi Kelly, Pablo Gutierrez De La Peza Eduardo, Garcia Migoya, Jose M. Cobo Rodriguez, Manuel Sainz De La, Hidalga Yissel A. Nolasco Reyes, Valentina Bellego Barrera, Gerardo A. Pacheco Quiñones, Jorge A. Viñas Ortega, Patricio Manzo, Paloma Flores
Cancun, Mexico
- Sustainable Architecture and Energy Efficiency
Sports Center and Interior Block Management at Turó de la Peira
Authors: Anna Noguera, Javier Fernández - Technical Architect: Dídac Dalmau - Structural calculations: Manel Fernández and Ton Coll. - Architects drafting team: Carles Rubio, Javier López, Lara Ferrer and Marc Busquets - Landscaper: Anna Zahonero, Pepa Morán, Víctor Adorno - Sustainability and energy strategy engineer: Xavier Saltó - Passivhaus and energy simulation consultant: Micheel Wassouf, Oliver Style - Lighting design: Susaeta Iluminación - Segura - Measurements and budgets: Salvador Cristina Carmona - Photographer: Enric Duch
Barcelona, Spain